Saba describes himself on his website as, 'Sydney's most exciting, flamboyant recording-performing artist who writes and performs catchy pop rock electronic dance music songs'

Religious Mockery on 'The Voice'? Parents and Believers Outraged

The Voice Australia, renowned as a family-friendly platform, recently showcased a performance that has swiftly become a hot topic of discussion. Saba Saliba's "Disco Jesus" not only polarized audiences but also raised questions about the treatment of monotheistic religions on public platforms. With many feeling that the content wasn't suitable for a show that regularly attracts young viewers, there's a growing debate about the boundaries of artistic expression.

Saba Saliba's Performance on The Voice Australia: Artistic Expression or Disrespectful Parody?

The Voice Australia, renowned as a family-friendly platform, recently showcased a performance that has swiftly become a hot topic of discussion. Saba Saliba's "Disco Jesus" not only polarized audiences but also raised questions about the treatment of monotheistic religions on public platforms. With many feeling that the content wasn't suitable for a show that regularly attracts young viewers, there's a growing debate about the boundaries of artistic expression.


Australia's Take on This Controversial Performance

Is the essence of entertainment shifting? Or is this just the evolving face of artistic liberty? While some applaud the act as artistic expression, others see it as a direct affront, especially given the show's diverse age demographic. The performance also raises concerns about the consistent representation and sometimes mocking of monotheistic religions in entertainment. Are these faiths being unfairly targeted?

Many parents have expressed unease about the type of content their children are exposed to on such a widely-watched program. It's not merely about freedom of expression for them, but about ensuring young viewers are presented with respectful and age-appropriate content.

There's also a sentiment that this performance was a calculated move for quick fame, possibly capitalizing on the ongoing discourse surrounding the LGBTQ+ community. There's apprehension that such acts could alienate a significant portion of the audience, particularly those who view Jesus and Christian beliefs with deep reverence.

Public Reactions

The online community was abuzz with reactions post-performance. Among the comments were:

  • "This is supposed to be a family show. Not what I anticipated for my kids," commented a concerned parent on Instagram.
  • "A family-friendly program should consider its diverse audience," another added.
  • "It's surprising to think of how religions are sometimes portrayed on such platforms," a viewer observed.
  • "Religious parodies, especially of monotheistic faiths, can be deeply hurtful. There's a time and place for everything."

Balancing Artistic Expression with Audience Expectations

Artistic expression is vital and subjective, but so is understanding and respect. For many families, The Voice Australia is a cherished pastime. The challenge lies in accommodating diverse forms of expression while also ensuring that content aligns with the expectations of its main audience.

The episode has ignited discussions about the limits of artistic freedom on family-oriented platforms and the portrayal of religions. How can we foster mutual respect in entertainment? Where do we draw the line?

We invite you to share your views below on this pressing topic.




I didn’t watch it but what was Guy Sebastian’s reaction because I’m pretty sure he’s Catholic or Christian. Pretty sure he sang in church choir before it become famous.

I didn’t watch it but what was Guy Sebastian’s reaction because I’m pretty sure he’s Catholic or Christian. Pretty sure he sang in church choir before it become famous.



This is disgusting the fact that religion can now be made fun of and disrespected yet if anyone says or post anything on the lgbtq+ community and they are shamed and abused yet this kid of behaviour is celebrated with the judges and audience having the time of their lives. What a world we have come to just disgusting.

This is disgusting the fact that religion can now be made fun of and disrespected yet if anyone says or post anything on the lgbtq+ community and they are shamed and abused yet this kid of behaviour is celebrated with the judges and audience having the time of their lives. What a world we have come to just disgusting.

Destine Georgiou

Destine Georgiou

Absolutely disgusted how this was allowed to air! Never watching again

Absolutely disgusted how this was allowed to air! Never watching again

Sarkis moujalli

Sarkis moujalli

The whole performance was disgusting. Jesus, who Christian’s believe is the son of God being mocked to gain fame?? Appalling.
Another disturbing element was Jessica Mauboy dancing and carrying on. Isn’t she a proud indigenous woman, carries on about being aboriginal etc. I can guarantee if a Christian or Muslim or anyone with different beliefs went on that stage and performed a ‘disco welcome to country’ she’ll be the first to throw her toys out the cot and express how this is shouldn’t happen because it’s her beliefs bla bla bla.
Cancel the voice!!

The whole performance was disgusting. Jesus, who Christian’s believe is the son of God being mocked to gain fame?? Appalling.
Another disturbing element was Jessica Mauboy dancing and carrying on. Isn’t she a proud indigenous woman, carries on about being aboriginal etc. I can guarantee if a Christian or Muslim or anyone with different beliefs went on that stage and performed a ‘disco welcome to country’ she’ll be the first to throw her toys out the cot and express how this is shouldn’t happen because it’s her beliefs bla bla bla.
Cancel the voice!!

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