Insane Aussie Python Does Parkour: Watch This Epic Backyard Showdown!

Insane Aussie Python Does Parkour: Watch This Epic Backyard Showdown!

Hold onto your hats, because this Aussie phenomenon is taking the internet by storm! While snake sightings have been on the rise in Northern Queensland, this encounter is something truly extraordinary.

Hold onto your hats, because this Aussie phenomenon is taking the internet by storm! While snake sightings have been on the rise in Northern Queensland, this encounter is something truly extraordinary.

Imagine this: a surprised family in their Queensland backyard, watching in awe as a massive metres long carpet python engages in some impressive parkour moves. Yes, you read that right – this enormous snake decided to showcase its agility by gliding gracefully through the treetops, high above the ground.

And guess what? We've got the video to prove it! The whole family gathered to witness this amazing sight as the python gracefully moved from the rooftop to one tree, then seamlessly transitioned to another. As if that wasn't enough, the snake even popped its head out from the leaves, giving everyone a clear view of its substantial size.

A five-metre snake seen moving from the roof of a Queensland house into a tree. Source: TikTok.

As the snake coiled around a tree trunk, one family member remarked, "They're quite fascinating, aren't they?" The spectacle brought a mix of reactions, with a young child shedding tears and wondering how they could make the snake leave. The response was simple: "We won't."

But don't worry too much! Despite the potentially startling nature of this encounter, experts assure us that these carpet pythons pose little danger to humans. Without venom, these snakes generally go about their business without bothering anyone.

So, how do these pythons pull off their tree-climbing antics? It all comes down to their well-arranged muscles, honed over millions of years. These skilled climbers have evolved to move through structures with remarkable ease.

Carpet Python Care Sheet — Welcome to Snake City! Reptile Education,  Entertainment and Breeders!

We reached out to Snake Catcher Dan from the Sunshine Coast, who's no stranger to these sights, to get the lowdown. Climbing trees is nothing new for these pythons – they've got it down pat. When you spot them in the trees, they're likely hunting for birds or possums, or playing a strategic game of hide-and-seek with potential predators.

Dan broke it down for us: "Their muscles are distributed effectively – they find a secure point, use their muscles and weight to hold on, and then stretch to the next spot. It's like watching a snake version of parkour!" He explained that carpet pythons love to hang out in trees, soaking up the sun, evading dogs and humans, and grabbing a meal of birds or possums. While they're more commonly found on the ground, these tree-climbing antics are far from unusual.

Three pictures showing a carpet python moving from a roof and gripping onto a tree. Source: Snake Catcher Dan.

Remember, although carpet pythons are generally harmless to humans, it's essential to treat them with respect. With snake-catching season in full swing, these tree-climbing pros are keeping experts busy – and stealing the spotlight while they're at it!

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