Targeted consumer boycotts are convincing retailers across the world to stop selling products from companies profiting from Israel’s crimes. The Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) calls for a boycott of Israeli and international companies that are complicit in violations of Palestinian rights.

Targeted consumer boycotts are convincing retailers across the world to stop selling products from companies profiting from Israel’s crimes. Many Israeli exporters complain that it is getting harder for them to export their products.

The Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) calls for a boycott of Israeli and international companies that are complicit in violations of Palestinian rights.

Virtually all Israeli companies are complicit to some degree in Israel’s system of occupation and apartheid. We focus our boycotts on a small number of companies and products for maximum impact. We focus on companies that play a clear and direct role in Israel’s crimes and where we think we can have an impact.

Boycott Israel products Petition

Want to sign the petition click the link here

Besides boycotting Israeli goods, what else can I do?

The BDS movement is about much more than consumer boycotts: it is also about campaigning alongside others to pressure institutions, unions, and companies to boycott or divest and to isolate Israel academically, culturally, economically, and militarily. Check out the other areas of this Get Involved page for more information and ideas.

What about those boycott lists with tens of products

The global nature of today’s economy means that there are thousands of companies that have links to Israel and are complicit to various degrees in Israel’s violations of international law. However, for our movement to have real impact we need our consumer boycotts to be easy to explain, have wide appeal and the potential for success. That’s why globally, while we call for divestment from all companies implicated in Israel's human rights violations, we focus our boycott campaigns on a select few strategic targets. We also encourage the principle of context sensitivity, whereby activists in any given context decide what best to target and how, in line with BDS guidelines. There is a lot of information online claiming that some large companies give money to Israel, some of which turns out to be false. BDS has built a reputation for strictly adhering to established facts and producing the most accurate information.

Do the barcodes on Israeli products start with 729?

A barcode starting with 729 usually indicates a product of Israel. But this is not always reliable. The best way to tell if a product is made in Israel is to look for a “Product of Israel” label or to ask the retailer if they can guarantee a product isn’t from Israel.

Does the BDS movement call for a boycott of all Israeli products or just products and companies from illegal Israeli settlements?

The BDS movement calls for a boycott of all the products of all Israeli -- and international -- companies that are involved in Israel’s violations of Palestinian rights. Virtually all Israeli companies are complicit to some degree in Israel’s system of occupation and apartheid. Some of our biggest economic boycott and divestment campaigns are against companies that operate in illegal Israeli settlements in the Occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem. This is simply because campaigns targeting these companies are, at this stage, more capable of winning widespread support and succeeding. But other large campaigns, especially in the academic and cultural sphere, have gone well beyond settlements to address other serious Israeli human rights violations.

Want to sign the petition click the link here




I’m just checking the products in Australia is from Israel

I’m just checking the products in Australia is from Israel



The shot callers shut the world down during covid to get what they wanted. The people should shut the world down this time to get what they want (justice). Just do a peaceful protest once a week at every major airport or on the roads to get to every major airport.

The shot callers shut the world down during covid to get what they wanted. The people should shut the world down this time to get what they want (justice). Just do a peaceful protest once a week at every major airport or on the roads to get to every major airport.



Remove all Israel’s products from Australia and the world. We should never support a country that strives to make another country extinct

Remove all Israel’s products from Australia and the world. We should never support a country that strives to make another country extinct



Where is Hitler when we need him? Need gas chambers 2.0

Where is Hitler when we need him? Need gas chambers 2.0

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