Suspected Homemade Bomb Found on Pro-Palestine's Car

Suspected Homemade Bomb Found on Pro-Palestine's Car

Authorities in south Sydney responded to an alarming situation when an apparent homemade explosive device was discovered on the vehicle of residents known for their pro-Palestinian stance.

Authorities in south Sydney responded to an alarming situation when an apparent homemade explosive device was discovered on the vehicle of residents known for their pro-Palestinian stance.

Improvised bomb on car of Palestinian supporter in Sydney’s Botany.

The device, resembling an improvised assembly involving a jerry can, rags, a disposable lighter, and sizable bolts, was located on the car's hood in the Botany area on a Friday afternoon.

The vehicle was parked in the driveway of a residence prominently displaying the Palestinian flag and a placard containing messages related to the Gaza conflict along its front fence.

A note attached to the device bore the message: "Enough! Take down flag! One chance!!!!"

In response to the incident, members of the New South Wales (NSW) police rescue and bomb squad promptly arrived at the scene and determined the "suspicious item" to be non-threatening. A bomb disposal robot was observed within a police vehicle at the location.

The occupant of the house, identified as Theo (withholding his last name for safety concerns), informed Lebomemes101 that he and his partner made the discovery around 2 pm on Friday, suspecting that the device had been planted overnight.

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