Warning: New Street Drug Targeting Adolescents

Warning: New Street Drug Targeting Adolescents

As parents, it is our duty to be vigilant and aware of potential dangers that our teenagers may face. In recent times, a disturbing trend has emerged in some areas of Western Sydney, such as Guildford, Bankstown, and Chesterhill. Teenagers are getting their hands on a dangerous synthetic drug known as "bupe," which resembles heroin and is being consumed using refillable vapes. This alarming development calls for immediate attention and action from parents to protect their children from the harmful effects of this new street drug.

Warning: New Street Drug Targeting Adolescents - Synthetic Heroin in Refillable Vapes

As parents, it is our duty to be vigilant and aware of potential dangers that our teenagers may face. In recent times, a disturbing trend has emerged in some areas of Western Sydney, such as Guildford, Bankstown, and Chesterhill. Teenagers are getting their hands on a dangerous synthetic drug known as "bupe," which resembles heroin and is being consumed using refillable vapes. This alarming development calls for immediate attention and action from parents to protect their children from the harmful effects of this new street drug.

The Rise of Synthetic Heroin in Refillable Vapes

Bupe, a synthetic heroin-like drug, is being distributed in certain areas, targeting vulnerable adolescents. The drug is being concealed and ingested using refillable vape devices, making it difficult for parents and authorities to detect its usage. The widespread availability of these refillable vapes poses a significant threat to our teenagers' safety, as it allows them to consume the drug discreetly.

Potential Side Effects

The effects of bupe on young minds can be devastating. Consumption of this synthetic heroin may lead to severe side effects such as:

  1. Hallucinations: Teenagers under the influence of bupe may experience vivid and distressing hallucinations, leading to confusion and impaired decision-making.

  2. Accusations and Paranoia: Bupe can induce paranoid thoughts, causing adolescents to falsely accuse their family members and friends of stealing, further straining relationships.

  3. Schizophrenic Behavior: Prolonged usage of bupe can induce schizophrenic-like behavior, leading to erratic actions and detachment from reality.

A Cautionary Tale

In our pursuit of knowledge on this pressing matter, we spoke to an anonymous family member of a 17-year-old boy who became addicted to bupe. Their harrowing account serves as a cautionary tale for parents. The impact of just one dose of this synthetic drug can be life-altering, causing irreversible harm to a child's physical and mental well-being.

Protecting Your Child

If you suspect that your teenager is using refillable vapes and showing signs of unusual behavior, such as hallucinations, paranoia, or accusing others unjustly, it is essential to act promptly. The first step is to have an open and non-judgmental conversation with your child, expressing your concerns and offering support.

Additionally, consider taking the following measures to safeguard your child's well-being:

  1. Monitor Their Behavior: Keep a close eye on any drastic changes in your child's behavior, mood swings, or sudden withdrawal from family and friends.

  2. Educate and Raise Awareness: Inform your teenager about the dangers of synthetic drugs and the consequences of their usage. Make them aware of the risks associated with refillable vapes.

  3. Seek Professional Help: If you suspect your child is using bupe or any other harmful substances, seek professional assistance immediately. Reach out to a medical professional, counselor, or support group specializing in addiction and substance abuse.

The emergence of synthetic heroin in refillable vapes poses a grave danger to our adolescents. As parents, we must stay informed and vigilant, offering a safe and nurturing environment for our children. By taking proactive steps and engaging in open communication, we can protect our teenagers from the devastating effects of this new street drug and guide them towards a healthier and brighter future.




Does anyone know how to quit this
I need help asap !!!

Does anyone know how to quit this
I need help asap !!!



I have a family member addicted to this so called bupe. He struggles to quit due to it being so addictive and the intense withdrawal symptoms. Anyone have any advice on how to quit and how to beat the withdrawal symptoms and the cravings? Is there any medication that can be prescribed to aid in quitting? Thanks

I have a family member addicted to this so called bupe. He struggles to quit due to it being so addictive and the intense withdrawal symptoms. Anyone have any advice on how to quit and how to beat the withdrawal symptoms and the cravings? Is there any medication that can be prescribed to aid in quitting? Thanks



Nothing new about bupe or dome
Synthetic dope but its a opiate blocker nalaxone at the same time
And it’s definitely not new to those areas
Good for short term us to get off dope but can get stuck on them and coning off dome you’ll probably wish you were dope sick from gear rather than withdrawals from that

Nothing new about bupe or dome
Synthetic dope but its a opiate blocker nalaxone at the same time
And it’s definitely not new to those areas
Good for short term us to get off dope but can get stuck on them and coning off dome you’ll probably wish you were dope sick from gear rather than withdrawals from that

Moey Noworries

Moey Noworries

Steven…you clearly have no clue what your on about, its nothing like juice….and yes it is called bupe..in short, but in full Buprenorphine, also known as suboxone/subutex, mainly used to treat heroin/methadone addiction.

Steven…you clearly have no clue what your on about, its nothing like juice….and yes it is called bupe..in short, but in full Buprenorphine, also known as suboxone/subutex, mainly used to treat heroin/methadone addiction.



No one calls it bupe it’s called juice that’s it it’s a mix of synthetic oils laced with rubbish apon rubbish

No one calls it bupe it’s called juice that’s it it’s a mix of synthetic oils laced with rubbish apon rubbish



My guys is exposing us 🤣

My guys is exposing us 🤣



I hope every drug dealer gets done locked up allah lay redoon, the amount of families and parents have cried and gone through struggles because of these scums, we despise anyone that sells and supplies drugs I hope there kids and up on what they sell only then they will understand the damage they have done to families.

I hope every drug dealer gets done locked up allah lay redoon, the amount of families and parents have cried and gone through struggles because of these scums, we despise anyone that sells and supplies drugs I hope there kids and up on what they sell only then they will understand the damage they have done to families.

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