Students Have Lost There freedom of speech as Sydney uni repels against Palestinian Support

Students Have Lost There freedom of speech as Sydney uni repels against Palestinian Support

In a notable departure from his usual communications regarding the conflict, Mark Scott, the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Sydney, addressed staff and students on October 26, making it clear that the university would not condone any statements or expressions of support for terrorism, specifically referring to Hamas's recent acts of terrorism.

In a notable departure from his usual communications regarding the conflict, Mark Scott, the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Sydney, addressed staff and students on October 26, making it clear that the university would not condone any statements or expressions of support for terrorism, specifically referring to Hamas's recent acts of terrorism.

Sydney University Vice Chancellor Mark Scott

John Keane, a professor of politics, countered Scott's stance through an open letter, highlighting a perception among some that the Vice-Chancellor may be displaying a concerning bias in favour of Israel. Keane's letter enumerated a series of actions including continuous bombings, the unlawful employment of white phosphorus against civilians, aggression by settlers, the demolition of homes, and deaths caused by asphyxiation, which he found conspicuously absent from Scott's discourse.

This letter set off a chain of “reply-all” emails amongst faculty, revealing a split in opinion over Keane’s assertions.

In response, Sociologist Salvatore Babones characterized Hamas as an organization with genocidal ambitions against the Israeli population. Babones emphasized his support for academic freedom but noted that there must be a boundary when it comes to endorsing genocide.








Stopped reading when you couldn’t even put the right “their” in the title of the report.

Stopped reading when you couldn’t even put the right “their” in the title of the report.



Genocidal ambitions??? Israel’s has genocidal actions, think that trumps the possible ambitions of the people of Gaza or Hamas. And I thought academics were intelligent

Genocidal ambitions??? Israel’s has genocidal actions, think that trumps the possible ambitions of the people of Gaza or Hamas. And I thought academics were intelligent

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